I'd like to correct my suggestion from an earlier post, and propose that CISV, in the light of the new environmental taskforce, adopts the WWF-format as a new standard:

The WWF format is a PDF that cannot be printed out. It's a simple way to avoid unnecessary printing. So here's your chance to save trees and help the environment. Decide for yourself which documents don't need printing out - then simply save them as WWF.
its a nice idea but for example preview (mac) cant open it...adobe does though(but i dont like the reader). i think for mass usage we have to wait for it to be able to be opened by ANY standard app. meanwhile i'm waiting for a new preview version.
The way I understand it, ist that it's exactly the point, that it can only be opened with an application that cannot print.
This would drive me mad! I am all for helping the environment but am unable to read long documents on the computer. This would make me lose my pride in being a trustee who has read everything as I would have to give up quite quickly.
Bad idea. Linux users won't be able to view it; and it is unlikely that mobile readers will as well (incl. iPad/iPhone).
This is anyways DRM - but in the end anything that I can display on my laptop I can print if I really want to. Just look at what happened with DVDs...
Additionally - standard PDFs also come with the ability to block printing (within applications that would honor it), so there is nothing more than a marketing gimmick here.
Of course this post belongs more into the humorous category - who wants a document format that you can't print - ever? But the idea made me laugh and I'm sure some square miles of forrest could be spared if CISV made all its documents non-printable. That's something.