They're redundant, let's get rid of them.
A few weeks ago a new Mosaic website was launched. It has the look and feel of a modern website, has tons of updated news items and integrates with the social networks Facebook and Twitter. Interestingly, the title of the site is not "Mosaic Committee Website" but "Mosaic Stories".
For a long time international CISV committees have felt the need of a flexible communication tool to reach out to national committees, participants and leaders. Committee websites have had various levels of fanciness, but most offered a collection of necessary documents including the guide, a newsletter and a list of people involved in the committee.
Meanwhile most documents can easily be found on the Resources website, and the CISV International website has been extended to include more and updated information on the programmes, while some committee websites look desperately in need for an update.
Moving forward doesn't always mean coming up with new things, it also means to consolidate and remove things that are not necessary any more. In fact, we're also talking about freeing resources that could be used elsewhere. In this case, I think we should review the need for individual committee pages.
Of course some efforts need to be made to make sure, important information is still available online:
- We would need a new website that lists our committee chairs, members and contact information
- Committee should adopt full responsibility for the programme description, additional information and any programme related news(letters) offered on
- Overview pages on Resources should help access all necessary documents that relate to any specific programme.
Getting rid of general committee pages, of course, doesn't mean there shouldn't be room for interesting programme-related web projects: The new Mosaic Website is a great example.
(Courtesy to the Website Review Group for bringing up this idea.)
A few weeks ago a new Mosaic website was launched. It has the look and feel of a modern website, has tons of updated news items and integrates with the social networks Facebook and Twitter. Interestingly, the title of the site is not "Mosaic Committee Website" but "Mosaic Stories".
For a long time international CISV committees have felt the need of a flexible communication tool to reach out to national committees, participants and leaders. Committee websites have had various levels of fanciness, but most offered a collection of necessary documents including the guide, a newsletter and a list of people involved in the committee.
Meanwhile most documents can easily be found on the Resources website, and the CISV International website has been extended to include more and updated information on the programmes, while some committee websites look desperately in need for an update.
Moving forward doesn't always mean coming up with new things, it also means to consolidate and remove things that are not necessary any more. In fact, we're also talking about freeing resources that could be used elsewhere. In this case, I think we should review the need for individual committee pages.
Of course some efforts need to be made to make sure, important information is still available online:
- We would need a new website that lists our committee chairs, members and contact information
- Committee should adopt full responsibility for the programme description, additional information and any programme related news(letters) offered on
- Overview pages on Resources should help access all necessary documents that relate to any specific programme.
Getting rid of general committee pages, of course, doesn't mean there shouldn't be room for interesting programme-related web projects: The new Mosaic Website is a great example.
(Courtesy to the Website Review Group for bringing up this idea.)
cannot agree more