If somebody wants fresh, juicy content in their e-mail inbox, you can now subscribe to CISV From The Balcony by e-mail. (You'll receive one e-mail per post, nothing else.)
I've also switched the RSS-feeds to Feedburner, which gives me a little more feedback on how many people are following and reading posts through an aggregator. So if you are subscribing already, please redirect your RSS-reader to the following feeds:
Posts: http://feeds.feedburner.com/CisvFromTheBalcony
Comment Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/CommentFeedForCisvFromTheBalcony
I may discontinure the old feeds in the future. (Evil me!)
All links can be found further down in the far right column, for future reference.
I've also switched the RSS-feeds to Feedburner, which gives me a little more feedback on how many people are following and reading posts through an aggregator. So if you are subscribing already, please redirect your RSS-reader to the following feeds:
Posts: http://feeds.feedburner.com/CisvFromTheBalcony
Comment Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/CommentFeedForCisvFromTheBalcony
I may discontinure the old feeds in the future. (Evil me!)
All links can be found further down in the far right column, for future reference.
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