Check out the results of a search for "CISV" pages and groups:

Can't we get rid of the 5-years out-dated logo - ironically used by the page that has the largest number of fans. Why a group that asks for a network, when there already is one? And can anybody guess, which of all these is the official one? I know Facebook is all about communities and bottom-up, but I just wish some Facebook lord would clean up this mess...

Can't we get rid of the 5-years out-dated logo - ironically used by the page that has the largest number of fans. Why a group that asks for a network, when there already is one? And can anybody guess, which of all these is the official one? I know Facebook is all about communities and bottom-up, but I just wish some Facebook lord would clean up this mess...
i second!
I am member of almost more than 10 CISV groups on Facebook, from the "OFFICIAL CISV GROUP" (or so it presumes to be) to "HATERS OF THE PONY SONG... UNITE" to "I HAVE BEEN BROKEN HEARTED BY A CISVER" to "CISV PEOPLE" to "CISV COUCHES" etc...
None of them are really active, or define a clear purpose other than a mere statement in the title of the group that serves as an internal CISV joke. Only two are worth mentioning: the biggest one (which I can't pinpoint the name of it now) where people always are asking who was at which camp in I dunno which year and the CISV COUCHES which is a really effective nice good helpful group.
If somebody wants to join in an effort to herd cats and work with the ITC to streamline CISV's presence in Social Media; please let me know. :)