NY subway fares meets hospitality points.

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Please read this article on an intriguing suggestion, how to charge for NY subway rides depending on the demand, transfer it to the concept of hospitality points, and you'll get an idea of how our hosting scheme could be elegantly controlled - more or less how I suggested in this post.

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I would love to see some hard proposal on how this can be applied to camps. :)

BTW: The variable subway fares, and/or congestion charges generally hurts the most the poorer segments with less flexible jobs (i.e. fixed work hours) and is a benefit for those lucky enough to be able to work from home, have flexible working hours etc.

Lars, you're absolutely right with what you say about congestion charges hurting the poor. But why not turn it around: Reduce fares for hours that are not used at much to make the most of your infrastructure?

The truth probably is, that applying a flexible hospitality point system, or host fee to our camps would probably also hurt "the lower segement", in our case, countries that are far away from everybody else and have to pay exorbitant travel costs anyway, like Argentina, Australie or New Zealand.

But I still stick to it, according to my Red CISV post: A little competition and incentives to host in unpopular years could benefit all of CISV.

The devil, as usual, is in the details...

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