AIM reporting...

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Earlier this year, I was hoping to have a chance to attend AIM in Guatemala - mostly in the role of a babysitter - but things turned out differently, couldn't get off work and stuff. Now, three years ago, I suggested through a Devil's proposal, to have an official AIM reporter, to keep those staying at home informed. Provide up-to-date information on sessions, deicision, developments, elections, etc.

While the official AIM still seems to happen "on an island", disconnected from the rest of the CISV world, the juniors, usually the first ones to embrace new ideas,  have installed a website that updates everybody one what's happening:

You can also follow the IJBC on Twitter. And then there is Per/SWE, Chris/AUS and Alex/CAN from the Mosaic committee, also twittering.

So far, I'm impressed with the IJBC blog, but there's room for improvement* with the twitterers: Come on, Per, "lunch break"?! You got 140 characters per message, there's got to be something better than that to report!

Update: I fortgot to mention the JBpedia page on IJBC. It's really fantastic, summarizing the session by "goal", "how we got there" and "insiders". Perfect.

*There's room for improvement is a term I learned from former EDR-chair Delia/CRC and is smart for that sucks.

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1 Comment

totally agree on the aim reporter!
as for myself as a homestayer this year i have to say that it would be great to have updates of what is happening from time to time. for myself twitter is really boring if youre not "inside"! the ijbc blog seems great, though it would be nice to have something like a live reporter from plenary for example. i imagine something like a live comment as they have them in some online news papers (just as an example-i didnt read it: )

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