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Here's an interesting speech by Rick Stevens, a travel writer, who explored Iran recently. In his introduction he says:

 "You should know people - before you bomb them."

He continues with something that is basically the core of the CISV philosophy: Once you know people from certain countries you get a different picture and reduce prejudgices. It reminds me that the CISV concept is still up-to-date. And there are different methods, too: Besides doing camps you can give presentations and show pictures, like this guy does, to achieve a similar goal. All in all, I don't agree with everything he says, but the whole speech is quite interesting and entertaining, yet a bit long (1h 20min):

So, when are we going to have our first CISV chapter in Iran?

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This page contains a single entry by Nick published on April 16, 2009 1:44 PM.

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