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I love the idea and highly support it. Question though: Such a video to be made, what acronymed committee/part/person in CISV should be approached for this?
I love this idea. In my local chapter we just had a whole event where we all discussed what CISV really is for parents and youth. It was really great, but the question that remained was how do I explain this to other people. These videos would be a great resource.
While tyding up my CISV hard drive a little while ago, I found a short film used back in the day to recruit new CISVers. I believe I downloaded it from an American CISV site quite a while ago. I couldn't find it on an American site any more, but CISV Italy still hosts the file: (15MB)
In Hamburg we also have two old films we show at information evenings. It is really funny to watch CISV presenting itself in the seventies and eighties...
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I love the idea and highly support it. Question though: Such a video to be made, what acronymed committee/part/person in CISV should be approached for this?
I love this idea. In my local chapter we just had a whole event where we all discussed what CISV really is for parents and youth. It was really great, but the question that remained was how do I explain this to other people. These videos would be a great resource.
While tyding up my CISV hard drive a little while ago, I found a short film used back in the day to recruit new CISVers. I believe I downloaded it from an American CISV site quite a while ago. I couldn't find it on an American site any more, but CISV Italy still hosts the file: (15MB)
In Hamburg we also have two old films we show at information evenings. It is really funny to watch CISV presenting itself in the seventies and eighties...