Gaza => Theme package.

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A few weeks ago quite an interesting discussion took place over at the JB community list on the recent war in Gaza. Obviously a hard question to answer, whether this war was right or wrong, or how else the conflict could be solved, but I appreciated the amount of information that was added by all the participants of the discussion - especially all the newspaper sources that were aggregated.

I would like to see somebody create a "theme package" on the Middle East Conflict to be used in CISV camps, just like the WiFight package for youth meetings. Here's what I think the theme package should include:

- a range of newspaper articles featuring the history of the conflict
- a list of activities for various age groups
- questions for possible debriefings and discussions

The discussion thread could be the basis for all this, and the theme package could be assembled in JBPedia. It's all out there, just somebody needs to put it together. The Middle East Conflict is already something participants talk about in almost every camp - let's give it some more substance.

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Hey Nick!
First off, I only bumped into this a couple of days ago and I think its an awesome blog :)
Anyway, I love this idea, and actually we are currently using the theme pack on conflict and peace education and various internet resources to plan a big JB Activity about the Gaza situation and history of the conflict in general in JB Egypt.. and Farida in IJBC Colombia ran a session on the middle east conflict and its history... so I really think the idea of combining both is very very very cool.

Love from my Cairo Balcony,

Thanks! Now your plans also sound great. I'd love to hear how the activity went.

Hello Nick,

I have been a big fan of yours since CISV Devils and a big fan of the balcony right now :)

I loved the idea! I was thinking a few weeks ago when the discussion was still in its middle that it's really a waste to have all these points of view on one of the biggest conflicts in the world and not do something useful with them. I agree with everything you said and as Rou said, this subject might be one of the themes of the Jordan WS taking place next month. So we'll keep you updated. From the Lebanese balcony, over looking this conflictual region...

I really hope we could address more real time issues in CISV such as this. I hope the organization approach to hot topics changes from avoiding them, to sensitive facing. Maybe you guys can start this trend at IJBC...

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