ASK Video.

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This video featuring German NRJ Paul and a mysterious pirate girl with sunglasses is just hilariuos.

I found the link the new IJB Thinks (login: ijb.guest, password cisv4all), which for some reason wasn't sent to me directly, which I think is a scandal. But I guess with 31, I'm not automatically included in JB e-mail lists any longer...

The IJB Thinks issue also inludes s nice referal to the Devils website:

After several years of remarkable proposals, CISV
Devils will cease its publishing by December 31st! 
It will remain open for future reference and some
post-mortem commenting, though.  Don't miss the
chance to send your challenging proposal in.

I love the "post mortem commenting".

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and you're clearly "from the balcony" -- the "mysterious" girl is the current IJR. hehe

Hope you're doing well, and I already RSSed the blog.

Hello Nick,

Mysterious Pirate Girl (with sunglasses) and IJB Thinks Editor here!

Loving "From the Balcony" so far. I hope that the post mortem commenting on Devils goes well and that people miss it so much that they start wondering how they could have lived all of these years without submitting a proposal, and now that it's gone they realise how important it is for them. Maybe that won't happen, but it would be funny.

In any case I'll throw in another blurb about Devils on the next IJB Thinks, and same with the Shirts birthday.

Keep the ideas flowing!

PS If you want to get the new IJB Thinks editions sign up at :)

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This page contains a single entry by Nick published on December 11, 2008 11:58 PM.

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